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Before reading this article, I was living in my own little bubble believing that the money I was giving was going to send that kid to camp or help find a cure for cancer. Now I realize it's my responsibility to look more closely at which charity I want my hard earned money to go to. I can't just go along with anything that has the word cancer or children in it. cheap jerseys In 1981, it chose a youngster named Dale Hawerchuk, who would become a future Hall of Famer. Over the years, the Jets also scored Thomas Steen, Dave Babych and Dave Ellett, all of whom ended up representing, at one point or another, the Western Conference in the All Star game.wholesale jerseys from china As an NHL team, the Winnipeg Jets were never as formidable as the Edmonton Oilers in the '80s or the Detroit Red Wings in the '90s, but Jets fans were undeniably ardent. 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